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2022-03-27 13:41


Daniel Berger watches his shot from the 16th tee during the second round of the Ho<em></em>nda Classic golf tournament, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.Daniel Berger lines up a putt on the 15th green during the second round of the Ho<em></em>nda Classic golf tournament, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.Daniel Berger hits from a bunker o<em></em>nto the 15th green during the second round of the Ho<em></em>nda Classic golf tournament, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.Daniel Berger watches a goose before hitting from a bunker on the 15th hole during the second round of the Ho<em></em>nda Classic golf tournament, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.Mark Hubbard hits his second shot from the sixth hole during the second round of the Ho<em></em>nda Classic golf tournament, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.Joaquin Niemann, of Chile, hits his second shot on the eighth hole during the second round of the Ho<em></em>nda Classic golf tournament, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, left, awards the Governor's Medal Of Freedom to Barbara Nicklaus, right, for her co<em></em>ntributions and commitment to pediatric health care in the state at the Ho<em></em>nda Classic golf tournament Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.




第一轮领先的库尔特·北山(Kurt Kitayama)在18号杆5杆的比赛中,以69杆的成绩与克里斯·柯克(Chris Kirk, 68杆)并列第二。马克·哈伯德(64岁)也打出了低于标准杆6杆的成绩。亚当·斯文森也打出了18个果球,最终打出了65杆的成绩,在日落22分钟后的下午6点41分打出了标准杆。


伯杰打出的低于标准杆10杆(低于130杆)的成绩,平了自本田在2007年进入美国职业高尔夫巡回赛以来的36洞第三低的成绩;怀斯(Aaron Wise)在去年的两轮比赛中都是低于标准杆12杆,罗里·麦克罗伊(Rory McIlroy)在2014年的中点时是低于标准杆11杆,布兰登·德·荣格(Brendon De Jonge)在同一年是低于标准杆10杆。





丹尼尔·伯杰在何氏第二轮比赛中从16号发球台观看他的击球 nda经典高尔夫锦标赛,周五,2022年2月25日,佛罗里达州棕榈滩花园。 Daniel Berger watches his shot from the 16th tee during the second round of the Ho<em></em>nda Classic golf tournament, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
Daniel Berger lines up a putt on the 15th green during the second round of the Ho<em></em>nda Classic golf tournament, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
Daniel Berger hits from a bunker o<em></em>nto the 15th green during the second round of the Ho<em></em>nda Classic golf tournament, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
Daniel Berger watches a goose before hitting from a bunker on the 15th hole during the second round of the Ho<em></em>nda Classic golf tournament, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
Mark Hubbard hits his second shot from the sixth hole during the second round of the Ho<em></em>nda Classic golf tournament, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
Joaquin Niemann, of Chile, hits his second shot on the eighth hole during the second round of the Ho<em></em>nda Classic golf tournament, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, left, awards the Governor's Medal Of Freedom to Barbara Nicklaus, right, for her co<em></em>ntributions and commitment to pediatric health care in the state at the Ho<em></em>nda Classic golf tournament Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.


但最近几周爆发的背部问题让他今年无法再玩Pebble,也无法捍卫这一头衔。两周前,他参加了凤凰城公开赛,测试了背部,之后宣布,他将在美国职业高尔夫巡回赛(PGA National)中表现出色——他在那里打了大量的青少年高尔夫球——并将在本田(Honda)度过一个主场周。






在著名选手中,布鲁克斯·科普卡(72岁)在两轮比赛中成绩持平。华金·尼曼(Joaquin Niemann)是上周在创世赛中获得冠军的选手,他在周四的比赛中一度落后4杆,但在最后一洞入水时,他以73杆的成绩落后3杆。




DIVOTS: Ron DeSantis州长授予Barbara Nicklaus佛罗里达自由勋章,以表彰她和丈夫Jack Nicklaus几十年来所做的慈善工作. ...帕特里克·里德在最后10洞的时候已经超过了10洞。他打出了79杆,并在. ...跑完了9杆约翰·许的第65轮比赛——使他从第86名进入前10名——是由连续5次小鸟球推动的,追平了本田车队历史上第二长的连胜纪录。弗雷德·卡弗斯在1985年的比赛中连续六次夺冠,当时比赛是在鹰踪区举行的,柯蒂斯·斯特兰奇的第一名奖金是9万美元。今年的本田冠军将获得144万美元的奖金. ...世界排名第13位的世界排名最高的选手路易斯·乌修仁(Louis Oosthuizen)打出了65杆(比他的第一回合多出10杆),最终达到了140杆的平手水平。